Monday 27 May 2013

Hello world! Have a scone!


After being informed by someone far more in the know than me that "everyone who is everyone has a blog", I thought, crumbs! I had better get involved!

So, hello world...that is if this works, and if anyone can find my wee blog.

So, yesterday, I threw an impromptu afternoon tea party. It was lovely! I made scones and tiffin and drank rhubarb tea and a splendid time was had by all. However, my scones went down a little too well, and the greedy blighters took the left overs home with them! So, obviously, I had to make more today, to celebrate having a blog and whatnot....

Here are my lovely little scones ready to be baked....(I quite like the taste of the raw mix....yes I know that is wrong!)

And here they are piping hot......yum

Clearly, I had to check that this batch was as good as the last, so I sat down to a nice pot of blackberry and rhubarb tea and gobbled up two nice warm scones (I had to have two, just to ensure they were of uniform quality). They were most tasty indeed. I should probably take the rest into work to save my waistline....

For those with an interest in such things, this is my recipe:

225g self raising flour
40g caster sugar
1 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
Add 75g butter
Rub (with icy cold hands)
80g raisins and the odd cherry
Then add nearly all of 1 beaten egg and enough milk to bind. Roll out, thicker than you would think, cut into scones, dab the tops with the rest of the egg to glaze and a sprinkle of sugar. Cook at 200c until they look done!

I also did a wee bit of sketching today, but it has been far too long since I picked up my sketch pad so I won't share just yet.

Anyway, this isn't a cooking blog, its a blog about all sorts of whimsical things that I like to group into "nana skills" - I like to try to live more elegantly and slowly. I try anyway, so this is what I will write about. Anyway, we'll see how it pans out. Let me know what you think.

Toodle pip for now!